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2 Dives from the shore (Certified Divers)

2 Dives from the shore (Certified Divers)

About Tour

The Red Sea is between arid land, desert and semi-desert. Reef systems are better developed along the Red Sea mainly because of its greater depths and an efficient water circulation pattern. The Red Sea water mass-exchanges its water with the Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean via the Gulf of Aden. These physical factors reduce the effect of high salinity caused by evaporation in the north and relatively hot water in the south, making the snorkeling and diving in Aqaba a wonderful experience.


Free Wifi
Best Seller
Expert Guides
Small Group Experience
No Booking Fees
Customizable Trip


Black Rock diving site
Rainbow Reef diving site
Depth reaches 30 meters
Free Underwater Photos


Experienced and certified dive guide
Hot chocolate and cookies
Pick-up from and to stay location
Top-quality dive equipment and a dry suit
Two dives in Aqaba


Personal Expenses

What to bring

A towel
Extra set of clothes
Water proof camera
Departs from
Finishs at
All Year
1 Days

2 Dives from the shore

Our driver will pick you up from your stay location, once you arrive at the diving center, our experienced dive guides will give a thorough briefing. This will include details about diving procedures, signs and signals, diving rules, equipment, the route, and, most importantly, how to use the dry suit. We’ll gear you up and walk you to the entrance of the dive site. You’ll have to walk a few meters in your dry suit before getting to the water. Today you will have 2 dives from the shore to explore the Black Rock site and the Rainbow Reef with depth reaches 30 meters to see the fire-coral fringing reef, soft coral heads and fossil-reef pinnacles to head after along the reef to deeper to see the black coral forests, shoals of fish, incredible views from the bottom of the reef. To go out to have a break for 30 minutes before jumping again to the water to explore the second reef named the rainbow reef; got its name because the reef is shaped like a rainbow. Starting at a depth of 6 meters and following the reef contour to 18 meters to see the octopi, crabs, shrimp, lobsters and other invertebrates hunting. To continue to see morays and lionfish and Spanish dancer all between a spiny forest of feather stars in every color of the rainbow. After having a wonderful diving experience, your driver will be ready to drive you back to your stay location.


 Contact us for more information

Cell: +962 779061818
WhatsApp: +962 776742 732
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