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4 Days, 3 nights from Aqaba / Eilat Border

4 Days, 3 nights from Aqaba / Eilat Border

About Tour

This multi-day sightseeing and activity tour to explore the southern part of Jordan and the golden triangle starting from Aqaba to drive through the rich of minerals mountains with their awesome contrast of colors for 1.5 hour to Petra to explore the hidden area of the rock-cut city based in little Petra, to see the carved Nabateans city with its most preserved monuments –The Treasury- the second day and to continue to the lowest point on earth the third day where the dead sea and then to go back to the desert of wadi Rum where landscapes, sand dunes, and jeep tour for 3 hours with sense of local culture and tasty local food spending the night below the sky and maybe stargazing in the wide desert, enjoy the locals atmosphere during the night in one of camps.


Free Wifi
Best Seller
Expert Guides
Small Group Experience
No Booking Fees
Customizable Trip


Panoramic View to The Mountains of Petra
Little Petra Siq Albared site
The main Siq of Petra
The Treasury
The Street of facades
The Theater
The Royal Tombs
The Colonnaded Street
The 3 Temples of Petra
Dead Sea
Madaba & Mount Nebo
Jeep Tour in Wadi Rum
Watching the Sunset in the wonderful desert


All Accommodations in HB
All Mentioned Sites Day Tour Ticket
Authorized Licensed Guide in petra
English Speaking Driver
Jeep tour in Wadi Rum
Transportation From and To Border
VIP Assistance Service at the border
Visa fees


Border Exit Fee
Golf carts - camels or donkeys in Petra
Personal Expenses
Travel Insurance

What to bring

Comfortable Walking boots
Hat or Scarf
Swimming suit
Departs from
Finishs at
All Year
4 Days

Day 1: Aqaba – Petra – Little Petra

Be ready to explore one of most fascinated tours in Jordan to follow the Golden Triangle from Aqaba Border; our representative who’s going to be waiting for you in the Jordanian side will help you with all of the procedures and deliver you to your driver, you will be transferred with your English-speaking driver for 1.5 hour to the wonder of the world Petra. your driver will take you for self-guided tour for 2 hours in the hidden area of the rock-cut city based in little Petra, known as the agricultural area where fields, olive presses and the wonderful Siq Albared (The cold siq) where the most beautiful painted on fresco piece found in the area, multiple carved reservoirs and many banquet halls indicating that the area been a place of festivals and the big gathering. Taking you back to your hotel, overnight in Petra.

Day 2: Petra the ancient city – Dead Sea

After a good sleep and a nutritious breakfast, we will be energized and ready to go again! In the visitor center, we will prepare your Petra entrance ticket and we will gather you with your professional English tour guide to continue your visit with him, Your guide is the expert about the site so he will escort you along 5 km to explore the highlights of Petra starting from the visitor Centre for 2.5 hours to explore few carved facades for 1 km before reaching the 1.2km long Siq (The natural ancient main entrance leads to Petra which is considered as fascinated as The Treasury), many sculptures laying on both sides, religious niches and water channels, the end of the Siq is the breath-taking sight of the Treasury. To continue Walking for to the Street of Facades, passing the Nabateans Theatre to reach the Royal Tombs, See the colonnaded street, Temple of the Winged Lions and The Great Temple. spend the rest of the day exploring, climb to the second beautiful monument - The Monastery – or the high place of sacrifice, to make your own way back to the hotel for check-out, meeting your awesome driver for transferring you to the Dead Sea.
The Dead sea Considered the lowest body of water on earth, 412 meters below the sea level, it has the highest level of salinity of any body of water in the world so the mud of the deadsea is known for its healing purposes. After a long walking day in Petra, and 3 hours’ drive to the dead sea, time of relaxing is a must now, Spend the rest of the day floating in the Sea, coating yourself in the revitalizing black mud or lazing by a pool. Overnight in Dead Sea.

Day 3: Dead Sea – Madaba – Wadi Rum

Fresh morning and ready to go for another excursion to Madaba nicknamed The City of Mosaics having one of elegant Byzantine mosaic floors discovered in the world, where you can start with visiting St. George Church to view the 6th century mosaic map of Jerusalem with two million pieces colored stones and the oldest map of the holy city. To continue to Mount Nebo the highest point of the series of Moab heights overlooking the Jordan valley, the Dead Sea and the Holy Land, Nebo known as the place where the prophet Moses glanced the Holy Land before his death. Leaving Madaba behind heading to Wadi Rum for 3 hours driving, Nicknamed the Mars on earth because of its comparable landscape to Mars, Wadi Rum is famous for its landscapes, sand dunes, it’s the desert where the stars war and the Martian movie were filmed. your tour in Wadi Rum will start after check-in to camp with riding the 4*4 jeep that’s going to take you for 3-4 hours tour to explore the desert with its rich places to visit: The Nabateans Temple, Lawrence Spring, Sand Dunes, Khazali Canyon, Lawrence House, climbing rock bridges like the famous Um Fruth Rock Bridge and Burdah rock bridge arch. Then returning to your stay point, to watch the sunset from your camp and to enjoy the atmosphere during the night below the sky with authentic Bedouin dinner. Overnight in Wadi Rum.

Day 4: Wadi Rum – Aqaba

Your tour sadly is coming to an end so your driver will meet you Before taking you back to Aqaba border for farewell with all hope to welcome you back to see something different.


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